Saturday, March 31, 2007

Why I don't have a blog

Being a technology lover, it would usually come as a surprise when I would respond "Nay" to the question "Do you have your own blog?". I attribute this to two main reason: 1) I don't really have much to talk about and whatever I do have is most likely going to bore everyone else to tears. 2) Time. If you know of a way to get me more free time, by all means let me know.

Anyways, this past week I have been trying to keep a running tally of topics that I could address in the blog. So far I am at 15 different topics. And this doesn't include various current event topics. Its kinda incredible to see when you keep track of this stuff. The next problem is picking a topic to write about while still compensating for timely topics. You don't really want to write about the Sweet 16 games the Final Four games are being played. Maybe I should just write a blog about the process and problems of being a blogger.

Regardless, I'll end this on one of the topics that I came up with this week. It is very timely as tomorrow (April 1st) is the first day of Oberon! Finally, its back! Here is an image:

Too bad we can't get it in Chicago anymore. Jerks.

Friday, March 23, 2007

My First Post!

Woo hoo! My first Blog post! Mark this day in your collective calendars, Restlessblog is now online. I've been resisting creating a blog for a long time now for a lot of reasons. Partly because everyone does it now and its pretty cliche. Partly because I keep a website so that would kinda defeat the purpose of a blog, right? Partly because I created a "blog of blogs" on my website for my and google reader links so a personal blog would be redundant. But mostly because I pretend to have a life and don't think I can hold myself to regular postings. Only time will tell on the last item. Regardless, I look to post at least once a week on pretty much anything. There really isn't much of a thing except for all-things-me, so I guess that will be the theme.
