Thursday, June 12, 2008

$Million idea #2

I have this problem where I hate talking on the phone because there is no history of what was said. I love email, text messages, and IM chat for this very reason -- you can save your conversations for later. What is even better about Gmail, for example, is the searching and sorting of your conversations. Can't remember that funny joke your friend told you 2 years ago? Search their conversations and you've got it. Phones have never had that luxury.

Enter $Million idea #2....

For lack of a better comparison (and I know every one has seen The Office) I'm calling it the Beasley for now. Outside of phones and pranks, Pam's main job is coming to meetings and writing down everything that is said. Take this idea and apply it to your cell phone. If there could be a background process running that simply transcribes your conversation and then either saves it locally or offers to email it to you, that would be fantastic. Seeing that Google is trying to organize everything about you, I'm kinda surprised that they haven't created something like this for Android. To me, the hardest part seems to be getting an effective transriber application to fit on the limited space provided on most mobile devices. Apple seems to be taking care of that issue.